Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Hello friends,

Today it is tuesday in Sydney and I'm about to trot to the library but thought that I'd lend you the pleasure of seeing some of the photos from friday night. Sadly, sadly Siobhan has left and she even cried at the airport! First time for everything huh. Anyway we had a fantastic night out on fri, the bar tab was fab. We were all wasted and found our own little soul mates for the night.
Short post today because I'm not really feeling that funny.
Catch you later on in the week

P.s siobhan I cannot stop listening to skunk anansie (and pretending that I'm singing it)

Monday, September 11, 2006

The moves

A tribute to Dr Freeze

Hello everyone,

Well while you chch creeps (all three of you... haha feels good to say that) were dancing away to the lovely solaa, there was a whole different party going on across the ditch. And what a party it was, started off at a beautiful bar that george used to work at called the Victoria Room, felt like an upper class opium den and the drinks were fantastic, apart from the lemongrass and ginger cocktail which tasted like laksa in a martini glass. After the Victoria Room we moved on to kings cross to celebrate george style, lots of crappy house and all the other things george loves. Went back to george's house, won't bore you but the night almost got better from then, swimming at the beach, drinking wine sitting on a clifftop, going to the weirdest party in the world at 9am wearing boys clothing etc...

So... all in all fantastic night, and a big happy birthday to the big man.
Quote of the night - 'Happy birthday george!' - chorus of people at 8.30 am sunday morn, 'Yeeah, but let's face it- i've looked 40 ever since i was ten years old' G. Anderson.

Still looking after an apartment in Nth Bondi with Siobhan who very sadly leaves for London in less than a week, has been fantastic times, lots of vodka tonics, loud music and fantastic dance moves. Will post some photos soon.
And big ups to the man we all know and love, Jimminy Cricket for creating his very own blog!! Fantastic news old fella, can't wait to read about the twisted shit you are gonna get up to.

Chris L- Welcome back to NZ, anal virginity intact
Hannah- If you are reading this without commenting I scold you, nobody likes a pervert.
Simon- Good to hear from you Mole 'I don't know.... I just love magic'


Crocky in NYC
My new boyfriend, doesn't he remind you of Patrick Bateman?
Stirring up any memories Chris?

Friday, September 08, 2006

The first is the deepest

Hello everyone

I have now confirmed what you always knew that I am a cyber nerd and have joined the world of blogging (I'm doing it for you James O).
Anyway since we all know that I am the trend setter of our group so I hope that you will follow my lead and start your own blogs.
Well to those of you that don't know after a year of deliberation I have finally made it to the Sydney and have been commiting immoralities ever since.
House sitting an apartment in North Bondi for a couple of nights at the mo with siobhan (quasimodo) which consists of drinking bottles of red wine and abusing the stereo with madonna, supergroove and of course tori.
George Anderson aka Dr Freeze99's birthday party tomorrow so that will be grand.
Big shout out to my homeys the freaks and geeks, one day we will be together again
Love and miss you all
Liss xx